If you see the mite, it may already be too late!
A sugar roll or alcohol wash, quantitative test, should be performed at least once a month during the warmer months.
When performing any quantitative test for varroa mites, make sure to use the bees found on the brood frames as they are likely to have the highest level of varroa mites in the colony.
If performing the sugar roll test, make sure to shake really hard and when shaking the mites out, use a bowl of water to make it easier to count the mites.
A sugar roll or alcohol wash, quantitative test, should be performed at least once a month during the warmer months.
When performing any quantitative test for varroa mites, make sure to use the bees found on the brood frames as they are likely to have the highest level of varroa mites in the colony.
If performing the sugar roll test, make sure to shake really hard and when shaking the mites out, use a bowl of water to make it easier to count the mites.
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